Author: Mark Wells
Bible Engagement Forum 2023
In May, Catherine and Mark had the privilege of attending the United Bible Societies’ Bible Engagement Forum in Toronto. This followed the forum in Swindon in 2022 and was part of a major research project commissioned by the United Bible Societies and the British and Foreign Bible Society, investigating people’s perspectives on the Bible worldwide. […]
Can we trust the Bible?
If you were to decide one day to go sky diving, you would be deciding to put your trust not only in the person you are attached to but also in the big piece of material that you are attached to. You would be deciding to put your entire life in the hands of a […]
Reunited with the Word
Read this interesting article from the BBC’s new website: We were made aware of this wonderful article that appeared on BBC News. How amazing that this Bible was reunited with the family it belonged to, bringing with it the vast history and memories locked within. It is such an interesting story that brings so […]
Christ our Brother, Christ our God
As we exit this time of Easter, I am struck with the idea of Christ’s incarnate humanity. How he is perfectly human and perfectly God. While approaching his passion and death he went through a stream of human emotions. Christ knew the depth of what he was about to face. He knew his friends would […]
Spring Magazine 2024
Our Spring Magazine for 2024 is here. In this edition we will talk about the United Bible Societies’ world assembly and our annual supporter’s events the Gathering. We will also hear about the amazing work that the China partnership are doing to help people in China to get access to a Bible. We also have […]