Lives are being changed through the Bible-a-Month Partnership
Each year the Bible-a-Month calendar shares 12 countries where amazing Bible Society projects are taking place. A gift of £10 each month is enough to give someone a Bible in these countries. It can help distribute the Bible and make sure the recipient knows how to engage with it. It can help Bible Societies run literacy classes and establish listening groups. It can help people receive the Bible in their heart language and in a format they can use… perhaps for the very first time.
You can give a Bible-a-Month.
Make a commitment today to keep sharing the Bible. A gift of just £10 a month will help someone receive the amazing gift of God’s Word.
Set up your regular donation now by filling in the online form below.
Already a Bible-a-Month partner? We’d love to keep you updated about the projects you are supporting.

Online giving form
This card-based payment subscription will let you pay a monthly amount. Each month you should get an email receipt and an option to adjust your payment. There is a small card transaction fee included in the amount you give. For example, a £20 donation to us costs us £0.32. Ahead of your first full year of giving, we’ll contact you and see if you would prefer to move to a Direct Debit giving method (no costs attached).
If you wish to claim GiftAid on this donation or any other donation you make to Bible Society NI, please fill in the extra details in the form.