When we read the Bible in English, we hear God’s Word in our heart language; we read God’s promises for us in the language we use every day. We have access to the whole Bible in English, from Genesis to Revelation, in this language that we know and understand. At any time, we can open God’s Word and understand the words with ease, but for so many around the world this is not possible.
There are over 7000 languages in the world, yet only 700 languages have

the luxury of the whole Bible. There are still millions of people who don’t have access to God’s Word in a language that they use every day.
They are still waiting. You can help today to bring them God’s Word.
It is a true blessing to have the Bible in a language that we can read and understand. At the time of writing this letter, an estimated 1.5 billion people still do not have a complete Bible in their language.
This year we are supporting many countries with translation projects, three of which are the West Toba translation in Argentina, a Children’s Bible in Amharic in Ethiopia and 17 different translations in India. Will you help us bring these people God’s Word?
The Bible Society of Ethiopia has worked for years on translations of the Bible into the native languages found in Ethiopia. These are mainly geared towards adults, but now with statistics showing that nearly 45% of Ethiopia’s population is under the age of 15, they are creating a Children’s Bible in the Amharic language. Once this Bible translation is completed, it is hoped that it will have a positive impact on the youth of Ethiopia, teaching them Biblical values and most importantly, the love that Jesus Christ has for them.
There are thousands of different languages and dialects spoken in India. Bible translation is at the core of the Bible Society of India’s work. So much has been done already but there are still many people waiting.
We are supporting 17 different language translations this year. Since 2016, work has been completed on 8 different translations – the people who speak these 8 languages now have access to God’s Word for the first time. You could help complete more languages this year. We have never had to struggle to read the Bible in a second language or had to have someone else read it to us to know what it says, but for so many people around the world they are not able to read what God has to say to them in their heart language.

The Toba are indigenous people that occupy a territory in the provinces of Salta and Formosa, in the north of Argentina. The New Testament has been available in West Toba for 10 years and it is regularly used by Christians who speak this language. However, since the New Testament’s completion, requests have never stopped coming for the Old Testament to also be available too. The Toba people eagerly await the complete Bible.
There are Christians around the world today who are praying that God will make his word available to them in their own language.
“It is very important for us to have the Bible in our language. I want to thank the Bible Societies of Argentina and the world, because we are going to have a Bible and we are going to see God speaking like a Toba… God will speak our language, in this language that we speak among us.” – Taiko, a Bible translator for the West Toba people, pictured above.
Could you be the means through which God answers their prayers by giving:
£24 to translate 4 verses for a current translation.
£50 to help towards supporting a translation consultant for a week.
£125 to help support a professional proofreader for 2 weeks.
Use the form on the right of this page to donate online, or ring the office on 028 9032 6577 to make a donation by phone.
Please also join us in praying for these peoples. Ask God that he would continue to sustain them in their faith as they wait for the Bible in a language and format they can understand. These translations will make a life changing difference to these people groups. Thank you for your generosity.

General Secretary, Bible Society NI