In Northern Ireland we are extremely privileged that we can simply go and buy a Bible in our local book shops. We have never known what it’s like to have no access to the Bible.
Every year millions in China are coming to faith in Christ, but more than 40 years after the ban of the Bible was lifted there is still a shortage of Scripture.
Hundreds of thousands of believers are longing for the day they get to own a copy of God’s Word.

United Bible Societies China (UBS) is working with the Church in China to print Bibles through Amity Printing Company. They want to provide God’s Word to as many people as possible, but they lack the vital funding for paper used to make the Bibles. This is the reason I am writing to you – we need your help.
The Need for Bibles
Chinese Christians have a very high regard for the Bible and a heart for evangelism. It is not uncommon for Christians to give away copies of the Bible to friends or family as a way of evangelism.
Many Bibles are so well used after years of being read and passed around that they must be replaced. Other people have come to faith through hearing the Gospel but have never owned a Bible. Often poorer Christians in rural areas of China cannot afford to buy or replace Bibles.
Yuan’s Story
Yuan Guiying (pictured) is 65 years old and from Hengshui City, Hebei Province. She had little interest in God until her son-in-law, who is a Christian, was healed from a serious illness. Because of his testimony she began to explore the Christian faith and what it could mean in her life. She began attending church and eventually decided to follow Christ, yet she didn’t have her own Bible.

In 2018 Hengshui Christian Council received 300 free Bibles from UBS, Yuan was one of those who received a Bible. Yuan will never forget the day she held her first Bible, which she received shortly after her baptism in 2018.
“This is my first Bible. I was a little overwhelmed when I held it in my hands, thinking to myself that this is no ordinary book, it is the Word of God!” she recalled with delight.
“Now my favourite pastime is reading the Bible. The Word of God gave me real satisfaction and joy which cannot be derived from dancing or winning at mah-jong tables.”
Yuan can now read and study the Bible every day, but there are many more Christians like her waiting for their own copy of the Bible.
Providing Bibles to Those
Who Need Them
The Bible Society NI is helping to cover the cost of paper for the Church in China to print Bibles.
People in China need Bibles and your gift can help provide them with God’s Word.
£8 provides the paper needed to print 10 Chinese Bibles.
£50 delivers 10 Bibles to 10 people in rural China.
£80 provides the paper required to print 100 Bibles.
£690 provides a bale of paper – enough for 858 full Bibles!
Use the donation form on this page to donate to this project today.
It is vital that Christians have access to the Bible so that their faith may stay rooted in God’s Word. Many people are desperately awaiting their own copy of the Bible.

Providing Bibles for China is an enormous task, but we know our God is a God who will provide!