Do you remember the children’s song ‘Think of a world without any flowers’, with its simple reminder to be thankful for all that God has given us?
But can you think of a church without any Bibles? That’s what the Church in Cuba was like until just a few years ago. Can you imagine not having a Bible?
More open laws in Cuba have allowed the Bible back! Together with others from the United Bible Societies fellowship, we have provided more than 1 million Bibles in Cuba.
Now almost 10% of the population have their own Bible – thank you!
The Bible Commission (Bible Society in Cuba) have plans to reach every Cuban with the Bible. That is around 11 million people, they need our help to buy many more Bibles.
Sharing Great Joy
I met Church leaders, like Pastor Buenas, (left in the photo) who received Bibles for their congregations. I met people who had only ever had bits of the Bible and I met children who received the Bible for the first time.
The Cost of a Bible
Just £5 will provide a Bible in Cuba. Yet this is still equivalent to a week’s salary, so it is out of reach for most people.
Our ask is simple – will you provide Bibles for people in Cuba? Every £5 you give will buy one Bible.
How many people could you provide a Bible for?
Having God’s Word available is fanning the flames of Church growth and revival in Cuba. You can be part of this.