Mark has had a wonderful time being out and about at different events, conferences, and camps over the past few months, sharing about our work and helping people to engage with the Bible. Read his highlights below.
Summer Madness
At the end of June, 2,500 young people camped in a field to learn more about Jesus. Isn’t that amazing! I had the privilege of leading four seminars with the young people this year looking at the Bible and how to read it. Firstly, I shared the ‘Big Story of the Bible’ to help the young people understand how the whole biblical narrative fits together. I then had three Bible study sessions on different techniques to help them engage in God’s Word. We looked at Lectio Divina (a way of hearing God speak through Scripture), Bible journaling (a way of taking notes and praying through Scripture), and Bible study (how to go deep into a text). I was blown away with a full room of young people attending each session actively wanting to engage in God’s Word. One young person said, “I never knew Bible study could be so interesting”

Senior Camp
I was also invited to speak at the Down and Dromore Church of Ireland adventure camps this year. I shared with the 16–18-year-old campers about seeking God, speaking with God, living for God, and living with God’s family. It was a wonderful thing to see young people hungry to learn more about God and how to follow him.

New Horizon
The last event of the summer that I attended was New Horizon. We had a stand in the exhibition area which was a great opportunity to interact with everyone passing by on their way to the ‘Big Tent’ for the daily sessions. I also had the opportunity of partnering with Dave from Precept Ireland again to provide a seminar on the topic of “How to Trust the Bible”. I shared about one of the major themes of the Bible and how that can help us to read it in more depth and then Dave shared about how to use cross references in Bible study to enhance our reading. Click the button below to listen back to the seminar.