Hosting a Ukrainian Refugee in Northern Ireland?
Donate to Scripture Distribution among Ukrainian Refugees:
We have all seen the news of recent events in Ukraine. Images and videos of thousands of people fleeing their homes to find safety.

The Bible Society in Ukraine is receiving an unprecedented number of requests for Bibles. Churches are begging for Scriptures to give to those overwhelmed by fear: soldiers and their families, people living on the frontlines and displaced communities.
Along with aid and supplies, the Ukrainian Bible Society is providing Bibles, Children’s Bibles and Audio Bibles to those who need them. They have seen that the Children’s Bibles have been especially helpful, calming and comforting the children who receive them.
We are running an emergency appeal to help provide Scripture to Ukrainians in need. Could you help give true hope to someone in these uncertain times?
If you would like to support the Ukrainian Bible Society by providing Bibles, please fill out the donation form at the bottom of this page.
£20 will provide 5 Bibles to 5 Ukrainians in need.
£30 will provide 10 Youth Bibles for 10 young people.
£40 will provide 20 Children’s Bibles for 20 children.
100% of your donation will go towards providing Ukrainian people with Bibles. If we are unable to send money to Ukraine, the funds raised will go to Bible Societies in the surrounding countries taking in refugees, providing Scripture to people fleeing Ukraine.