Every summer the Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention draws crowds together to focus on mission. For a full week people have the opportunity to hear inspirational speakers from all over the world, delve into the Bible to reflect on their call to mission, and explore a Global Village of mission organisations bringing the good news to many places in many different ways.
This year we were thrilled that we got to share the work of Bible Society NI with people at the convention.

Dina Katanacho from the Arab Israeli Bible Society was invited to share about her work at one of the evening celebrations and at a women’s afternoon seminar. Her message was powerful and challenging. She shared with us what it was like to work in Nazareth, telling us about the role the Bible Society was having in promoting reconciliation and peace. It was inspiring to listen to her stories of how they are helping the marginalised – running workshops and conferences throughout the year to reach out to women and children with the hope filled Word of God. If you would like to hear Dina’s talks you can listen to them on the Bangor Worldwide website here.

We had the opportunity to host a relaxed ‘Conversation with Dina’ during the week. Over sandwiches and tea people had the chance to hear a bit more about Dina and her personal story of how she came to work for the Arab Israeli Bible Society. This was a very encouraging time of fellowship and good conversation.
During the week we also had a presence in the Global Village. It was a great opportunity to meet people and chat about what Bible Society NI does all over the world. We met people who have faithfully supported our work over the years and we chatted to people who were new to our work. Everyone who visited our stand got to pick a Bible Blessing.

We pray that everyone who attended the Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention was inspired and challenged by all that they experienced.